Review: Yoga Bath Bomb

Whenever it comes to preparing myself for a special event or when I've had a stressful day, I go to Lush's bath bombs. I put my hand in to 'The Experimenter' (see my previous Cyanide review) as a lucky dip and pulled out the 'Yoga' bath bomb. 

I was very intrigued by the bath bomb because it was probably the most plainest of the bath bombs I have ever seen from Lush. It was a plain orange ball, very far removed from the previous 'Cyanide' bath bomb I used. But the smell was captivating. As soon as I took the bomb out of the box, I was hit with a spicy citrus scent which stems from the sandalwood encased.

'Yoga' Bath Bomb (the blue is from another bath bomb)

Right, let's speed along to the main part. I usually put my bombs in once my bath is ready (sometimes I do it a few minutes earlier). With 'Yoga' I put it in as my bath was ready and when I'm trying out a new bomb, this is usually (for me) the most exciting part. I anticipate the whizzing, wurring and explosion of colours. However, when I put 'Yoga' in, I was presented with a sad plop into the water and a bomb that just bopped around. Nevertheless, I stood and waited for the show. 

I waited and I waited and I waited. I waited for a good ten minutes and nothing. All that happened was an orangey/yellow colour filled the bath, and the odd bubble. Once in the water, the bomb itself was captivating but that was probably the highlight. Conscious of the temperature drop of the water, I reluctantly got in.

'Yoga' Doing its Thing

The feel of the water was immediately relaxing. It had an oily texture to it which made my skin feel silky smooth. This was a lovely feeling but it didn't distract me from the disappointment of the aesthetics. The only physically attractive feature to the bath bomb was Lush's signature glitter addition which is always a bonus. But sadly, not enough.

It is rare that halfway through my bath, any of the bomb remains. However, 'Yoga' had only decreased half in size but was now pouring out blue, green and purple. I was gutted that it had taken so long to do anything (20+ minutes) and that I had missed out of having a much prettier bath. However, it didn't change the overall colour of the bath (this could've been because I was in the bath). 

'Yoga' Post Fizz

When I left the bath, my skin was left moisturised and feeling lovely. Sadly, for me, the positives to this bomb, didn't weight out the underwhelming elements to it. More than anthing, it lacked atmosphere. However, I have since looked at other people's reviews of this bath bomb and they had very different results. I either had a dud one, or I was just impatient! I will always love and use Lush bath bombs, but this one won't make it to my top ten.

Have you used this one before? If so, how did it go?

What's your favourite Lush bath bomb?

Where: Lush
Price: £4.25

Thank you for reading, my lovelies,

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